GOODSMILE 2014年12月8日發售: Nendoroid 『God Eater 2』 香月Nana 5,500Yen連稅

Nendoroid Nana Kouzuki

“We’ve got an emergency here!”

From the popular action game ‘GOD EATER 2’ comes a Nendoroid of the special forces ‘Blood’ member, Nana Kouzuki! Her ‘God Arc’ weapon is of course included in various forms, including the standard ‘Blade Form’ as well as ‘Gun Form’ and ‘Predator Form’. They have been shrunk down to cute Nendoroid size while still keeping their imposing appearance too!

She also comes with three different expressions, including her optimistic standard face, a smiling face and a shouting face for combat scenes! The various optional parts allow for all sorts of scenes from the game! Bring out the GOD EATER universe in Nendoroid size!

リリースGSCね_ 香月ナナ_140611 gsc141009 gsc141010 gsc141011 gsc141012 gsc141013 gsc141014


ねんどろいど 香月ナナ



仕様: ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: knead (八音)